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Saturday, June 6, 2009

Why Inter Linking of Rivers required ?

1.We have 16% of world population with 2.2% of land area and hence
intensive agriculture is a must for us.
2.We cannot rely on Import of Food, Pulses, Oil, Fruits, etc. (Total
International Food Trade per year is about 50 Million tonnes, which
is just 20% of our requirement. Even our token entry into international
market, will push up the prices.)
3.Food security is more important than military security.
4.Rainfall spread over 12 months of an year is becoming more and more
non-uniform in recent years.
Since the Meteorological Departments talk of Regional Average Rainfalls,
the importance of this non - uniform spread is not fully appreciated. It
has the following direct and indirect effects :
a) Since there is concentrated precipitation in certain areas for
certain short periods, (even while maintaining the average
rainfall constant) the proportion of runoff water Viz - a - viz
percolation and evaporation is higher.
b) Since the spread is non-uniform, we are forced to extract the
percolated ground water for agriculture and drinking water
needs, for longer periods.
c) Since the total water evaporation is lesser, the average
humidity of air over the 12 months is reduced. This accelerates
the evaporation of water from plants (and water bodies also),
resulting in increased water requirements of plants.
d) This combination of reduced percolation and increased ground
water pumping results in accelerated depletion of Water Table.
a) Since rainfall is not there for longer spells, the impurity level
of air goes up, affecting the health of all living beings.
b) Since we are forced to rely more and more on ground water
or stored water for drinking, rather than on run off water
(like river water), the probability of contaminated water
entering the biological cycle increases. Also it increases the
TDS intake into our body resulting in failure of sensitive Organs
like, Kidney.
In a nut shell, Inter Linking of all Rivers is :
"Spreading the run - off water of large rivers in between their vast
stretches of parched lands to wet the dry throats and feed the empty
stomachs of about 30 millions! "
If we postpone it any further, the consequences will be manifested in
many walks of life and it will be disastrous.
There is no reason why we should think of the Inter Linking of Rivers as
a single project of Rs.5.75 Crores. Why we should not implement it in a
phased manner over say 20 or 30 years ?